Giving in Service to the Smallest Among Us

Our Celestial Vision Pledge


 This summer Peter and I became involved in cat rescue. In coming newsletters we will be sharing more about our experiences in going out on calls to pick up cats and kittens in unimagineable circumstances. Working with a non-profit cat rescue organization, we have been able to foster and find homes for over a dozen cats in the past four months.  Pictured here is Niki, our most recent rescue, aptly named as this tiny one-pound stray was rescued in the “nick” of time from a car engine.  She is staying with us being nurtured and cared for until it is time for her to be spayed at 2 months and placed up for adoption. Peter and I are pledging the full proceeds of our intuitive services, ebooks and reports toward the rescue of homeless cats. From this point on, whenever you purchase a reading, ebook, audio file or report from us, you also help homeless cats in need to a better future. We are blessed to be able to manifest the resources to carry out this work of our hearts and thank all of you for helping make it possible. 

Visit Kitty Love Foster Home on Facebook


Donate to Kitty Love Foster Home

For those who are interested in keeping up with our work at Kitty Love Foster Home, we are creating this new page on our website.  We are including a Paypal button for donations to help pay for the essentials of caring for the cats we rescue and rehome. Donations go to help pay for food, litter, veterinary care, bedding, transportation, spaying, neutering, vaccinations and any other needs that arise. As with all that we give in the spirit of service and unconditional love, be sure to claim a tenfold return on all that you give to keep the energy flowing and circulating! The more you give, the more you receive and the more you receive, the more you have to give!!



Blessings from Peter and Deborah