Re-Dedicating Ourselves to the Light Activates Limitless Potentials

We stand at a threshold beyond anything we have yet experienced in the course of our journey. This is a profound time of new beginnings unparalleled by anything yet experienced on the earth plane. The energies of this period are asking us to join together to incubate a new and expanded future aligned with the frequencies of the New Earth.

Individually we have followed our internal GPS to many moments of awakening, some small, some large. These moments are becoming more frequent as we awaken to a greater vision of our limitless potentials. This deeper awakening naturally moves us beyond limited identities and allows us to forge new, expanded identities that bring a greater experience of the New Earth.

We have always held the frequencies of the New Earth within us. Our destiny is coded into our energetic templates. Awakening codes sleep inside us until they are activated by frequencies of light. These activations take place over months and years as we expand our capacity to receive and hold greater frequencies of light.

Numerous energetic shifts over the last few decades have brought us to this crossroads within ourselves where we can activate the codes for our destiny as light beings. We begin this activation by re-dedicating ourselves to the light. This re-dedication involves examining such factors as the identities we hold and the field of potentials we draw from in creating our realities. It is also important to examine if all aspects of our being are on board with the higher vision for our lives, and the degree to which we have healed our childhood wounds. Finally, we need to ask ourselves if we are prepared to face the obstacle field that will be activated by our intentions to move to the next level of our personal evolution.

Examining Conscious and Subconscious Identities

In this time we are asked to adopt the identity of one who is capable of activating our highest visions. This allows us to access the energetic field where our highest potentials reside. Part of re-dedicating ourselves to the light is examining the identity we hold and make sure it is consistent with our highest potentials. If we hold an outdated identity, we are limiting our potentials to what we believed to be possible for ourselves in the past. When we consult an outdated field of potentials for what is possible, we are in effect creating future realities from old, limited templates.

When we adopt the identity of a fully awake, spiritually connected, limitless being, we adopt an identity that allows us to choose from an unlimited field of potentials.

Identity templates we hold at the subconscious level are more difficult to access. Through dreamwork, meditation, automatic writing, and working with the symbols of our daily life, we can access templates that exist beyond the surface of the conscious mind. Even when we think we are making conscious decisions it’s good to examine the subconscious templates at work in the deeper levels of our being. Failure to do so can undermine steps we are taking at the conscious level.

The Journey of Awakening to Limitless Potentials

Many lightworkers have followed journeys of a similar theme. In the beginning there were times of things not working. Illness, depression and even trauma may have been experienced along the way. Along the course of many challenges and difficulties, the search for answers began. At first these answers may have been sought in the outer world. Eventually some answers were found in books, the teachings of others, relationships, and other life experiences but these were limited. Deeper searching pointed the way to an inner journey. As this inward journey deepened, spiritual insights revealed a universe operating along an ordered and divine pattern. At first this inner journey was undertaken to alleviate one’s own suffering, but once the inner flame burned bright, this desire expanded to include all others. As each person awakens to their own limitless potentials they are able to hold and amplify greater frequencies of light. These expanded frequencies bring one to new thresholds and new levels of potential.

You are a Divine Being

You hold it all within you. You are already a divine being. Living many years on the earth plane may have lapsed you to slumber but inside you the dream of the New Earth incubated, waiting to activate and energize when light frequencies were sufficient to set your destiny to action. You lapsed to sleep so you could learn the nature of density and sleeping consciousness. This understanding focused your path into the new time.

Our First Movement is toward Inner Unification

The first movement in our journey of awakening is toward inner unification. When our conscious mind/ego is united with the wisdom and desires of our soul and higher self we remember we are truly limitless. This remembering touches off a firestorm of questions and sets us on a journey in search of answers. The answers are within but we set out in search of experiences that can help us access the treasures held within our storehouse of inner wisdom. The experiences we seek first and foremost are those that connect us with our heart.

This incubation period is designed to help you perceive, activate and energize those frequencies within you that are based in the love that is the highest vibration in the universe. We sometimes fall out of touch with these frequencies as we move through densities. Our response to the densities that swirl around us calibrates the experiences we draw to us. These experiences teach us to reach toward our higher knowing, which holds the true healing for our wounds. These wounds are re-energized throughout our journey in life but their roots lie in our earth school curriculum for this lifetime.

Childhood Wounds reveal our Soul’s Intentions

Most everyone holds a childhood wound stamped with the imprint of their soul’s intentions for this lifetime. This wound draws to you the experiences that awaken you to the true nature of your being. You may undertake many healing techniques over the years and these may bring relief for periods of time. Eventually all efforts toward healing lead us to a greater experience of love and the realization that the only true and lasting healing is found through the return to our natural state of inner unification.

Inner Unification brings the Joy of Oneness

Inner unification happens within your conscious mind reaches out to your soul in whatever way it can, often circumnavigating a gauntlet of beliefs, fears and misunderstandings to do so. In the moment that contact is made you experience the joy of oneness that brings the deep and profound knowing that all things are possible when we live in connection with our soul.
You may go through numerous instances of meeting your soul in the maze of the illusion before your beliefs are transformed. Be patient with yourself and allowing as you move further along the path of unification. Inner unification is the essence of the New Earth. The outer reflection of this happens when unified beings unite in oneness to incubate the New Earth.

Re-dedicating yourself to the Light
At the individual level, you can take steps to activate the unification process. This involves having a love affair with yourself. This is not a narcissistic kind of love but a love that embraces your woundedness, your missteps - all that you have held against yourself and all that others have held against you. It is time to love all of it into the light. Set an intention to do so and hold a ceremony or ritual to dedicate yourself to fully loving and assisting yourself and your movement toward healing. This is not a selfish action. You have vastly more to share with others when you heal and love yourself. If you are holding judgment against yourself you will judge others as well. Undertake your own healing for the sake of yourself, all others, and the universe.

Incubating healing and inner unification allows you to release the past. Overlays and veneers that dim your light are comprised of unhealed past experiences. As you focus love on your wounds, these overlays begin to dissolve.

Intentions to Heal raise the Obstacle Field

We have said your intentions raise the obstacle field. Now we will further distinguish the different forms and degrees of the obstacle field. The lesser obstacle field is raised for an intention such as manifesting a new car or other material item. Inside this obstacle field you will experience questions around deserving, abundance, and any reservations held by younger aspects of your consciousness. A more complex obstacle field is activated by the intention to bring about profound healing at all levels. This intention activates all the thoughts, feelings, experiences, emotions, beliefs - everything that has entered into the equation of your inner wound will be raised to help you heal and work with it. This can be an extensive process that for some takes years. However, the energies now are working with you, allowing you to take great steps toward releasing resistance, raising your vibration and incubating the timeline where you are living along a life track of inner unification.

As you undertake this healing journey, envision the dream for your new life inside timelines of the New Earth. Open to visions of who you are and know you are oneness healed and unified. This limitless, healed and unified “you” already exists within your field of potentials. You would not be seeing this new vision of yourself if it were not a true part of you.

This is the perfect time to incubate your movement into the new time. Alkalize your diet, meditate, exercise, create rituals to anchor the light and raise your vibration. Spend time sending light to those you know, to your higher self, to all-that-is. Eat light, move your body, honor the spark of all life. Love yourself. Daily reaffirm the oneness and the love that you are and make a regular practice of activating limitless potentials by rededicating yourself to the light.

©2010-2015 DL Zeta, Celestial Vision, All Rights Reserved These messages are intended to be shared. You are welcome to share and distribute this message with others as you feel guided to do so. Please be sure to include the author & source website link.

Posted on Monday, January 19, 2015 at 06:52PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment | References3 References

Aligning with the Version of 'you' that can Transport you into the New Time

Accelerated energies in recent years have allowed manifesting to happen with increasing ease. This is more so than ever as we move further into the new time. Manifesting our spiritual mission is an increasing desire for many. If you are feeling challenged in this realm, it may be time to examine the process you are following to bring your visions into physical reality.

We're first always seeking to manifest the version of ourselves capable of existing along the timeline we wish to access. In a sense, we're not truly creating or manifesting reality, but aligning with a timeline that already exists parallel to our present moment.

Steps to Aligning with the 'You' most Strongly Aligned with the New Time
When you reach toward your highest potentials, you allow the "you" most strongly aligned with the timeline where your vision exists to transport you there. We offer here some steps you can follow to align with your highest potentials.

The Time to Begin is Always Now

One) Accept that the time is always now to begin this process. The present moment is always your true point of power. Taking even small steps in your present moment will bring about major energetic shifts that, over time, will transport you to timelines where you access the frequencies of the new time.

Manifesting the 'You' Capable of Existing along Fifth-Dimensional Timelines

Two) Open to receive a vision aligned with your highest potentials. When we come into resonance with a new potential, we begin to receive perceptual glimmers or visions of this potential. These glimmers offer insight into how this reality would look, how it would feel, and the types of potentials and opportunities we might encounter along that reality thread. This glimmer on the horizon sparks inspiration and your imagination catches fire. Captivated and enthused about this vision, you begin the quest to learn more about it. Set an intention to observe it. Each time you turn your attention to this intended creation, you energize it and the energetic field of the creation expands.

Once you receive a vision and choose to align with it, next begin the process of cultivating and strengthening the aspect of your consciousness most closely aligned with your vision. This is the aspect capable of bringing your creation into being. The fact that you are reading this says that you're interested in existing along high-vibrational, fifth-dimensional timelines and have set your intentions to manifest the "you" capable of helping you step more fully into the new time. This "you" represent your highest potentials. When we become the version of ourselves that is able to take us in the direction of our highest potentials, this self will always find a way to access higher frequencies within each moment.

First, Simply Allow a Vision to Exist in Consciousness

Three) Allow your new vision to simply exist in consciousness. Do not concern yourself in this early stage with how you will bring this vision into your physical reality. When a new vision arrives in the doorway of our imagination, all we need do is open to it and welcome it as a potential. We do not have to know how we will carry out the vision in order to open to it and allow it to exist as a strong potential in consciousness. It is a misunderstanding to think that we can only carry out those visions we are skilled and experienced in carrying out. This is yet another version of the scarcity thought virus that tells us we do not have what we need to carry out a vision so we must disregard it as yet another "daydream" delivered up by our fanciful imagination.

Allow a New Vision to Grow and Expand

Four) Nurture and allow this new vision to grow in your consciousness. Day by day and moment by moment, observe this vision as it exists within your energetic field. Ask questions about it and get to know it. As we learn more about this potential, we begin to activate and link with the facet of our consciousness most closely aligned with it. Each time we bring our focus to it, our potential gathers energy and expands. The critical mass for its arrival into physical reality is reached when the potential gains sufficient energetic resonance with the part of our consciousness that is able to nurture its arrival into physical reality.

Release Aspects Trapped in Past Traumas

Five) As a new potential gathers strength in its energetic field, you may become aware of pockets of resistance that exist within you. Generally speaking, these are not aspects that want to hold you back, but rather, aspects that exist within past moments where unhealed and unresolved emotions and their accompanying traumas reside. These aspects are holding energy to "bookmark" this moment in time so a future, more masterful "you" can return to heal and release them. As we cultivate and prepare to activate new potentials, we are shown any areas that need healing and release. As we free energy being held around past traumas, we're able to refocus this energy toward new potentials we wish to activate.

Meet Future Potentials in your Inner Temple

Six) Create an inner temple and spend time there daily. One way you can strengthen the connection with a new potential is to meet with it in consciousness each day. An inner temple is the perfect place to meet and work with future potentials. This temple can take any form you wish. It can be a cottage by the ocean, a cabin in the mountains, a tree house in a tropical rainforest or a tent in the desert. You can invite your intended creations here to meet with you and spend time together in this relaxed and loving atmosphere. In this high-vibrational space, you will find it easier to bring all aspects of your being on board with new potentials. Higher-vibrational frequencies will always heal and entrain lower-vibrational frequencies. Entering a high feeling state daily even for short periods will naturally clear obstacles to healing and help manifest your visions.

Resist the Urge to Micro-Manage how Realities Manifest

Seven) Allow the universe to bring new realities to you in whatever way it can. It is a mistake to place contingencies on how realities arrive. Some believe they must first manifest a sum of money in order to realize their higher visions. This is a misunderstanding. Placing contingencies and prerequisites on our creations only serves to bottleneck and slow their arrival in physical reality. For example, if you wish to undertake a spiritual pilgrimage around the world, focus on this desire rather than the money needed to make it happen. It's easy to see how a vision of your journey is far more exciting to your higher self than a pile of money which by comparison is abstract and may hold connotations of meaningless work and enslavement. When you set an intention and remain awake and aware to clues and information in your daily life, you will find the bread crumb trail that leads to your desired creation.

Remain Alert to Thought Viruses that Sabotage your Efforts

Eight) Remain alert to the voices in your head that tell you that your dreams are impossible and unrealistic. These are the voices of thought viruses you were indoctrinated to in childhood and through collective consciousness. Your higher self will never tell you that you're not able to live your dreams. Likewise, your intuition will never bring you dreams and visions of potentials that are not real and true for you.

Don't allow yourself to be hamstrung by thought viruses that say you're not ready or good enough or empowered enough or enlightened enough to live your visions. You can wire around these disempowering voices by choosing to align with the highest vibrational frequency you're able to access within the present moment and move on from there.

Align with Desired Realities at Subtle Levels

Nine) Release overinvestment in physical reality. Hold in awareness that the reality you see around you in your present moment represents past creations and is fluid and changeable. Don't be fooled by the solid, concrete appearance of "reality." When we look at these seemingly solid and immovable structures of our present moment, we may feel powerless to change them. It's true we cannot change an existing timeline. But we can shift to a new timeline. In order to change our reality and the timeline we exist along, we must go within to align our visions and intentions with subtle energy. Creating is not a matter of moving concrete around but of aligning ourselves with the reality we wish to experience at the subtle level where raw energy is shaped by intention, and allowing ourselves to be transported energetically to the timeline where that reality already exists.

Adopting a Focus Self Aligned with your Desired Reality

Ten) Align with the identity of one who is living the reality you wish to create. When you receive a vision of a new potential, there's always an aspect of your consciousness that is able to nurture this vision into physical reality and transport you to the timeline where this new potential exists. As you energize and nurture a new potential, it will teach you who you need to become in order to carry it out to the world. In this way, you learn the identity of this aspect of your consciousness and begin to align with and adopt it as your new focus self. If you have become overly invested in your present-moment focus self, you will need to work with your higher self which can teach your present focus self to embrace the concept of service, impermanence and transcendence. As your focus self learns to act in service to the highest good of all, it will step aside when the time comes to allow a new facet of your consciousness to become the focus identity self capable of transporting you to timelines where new potentials exist.

Accept that Everything has Happened with Divine Perfection

Eleven) Refrain from judging yourself as moments from your past come before you to be released. Everything you created/activated in the past was designed to help you learn to grow and become the wise and empowered "you" that exists within your present moment.

©2010-2014 DL Zeta, Celestial Vision, All Rights Reserved These messages are intended to be shared. You are welcome to share and distribute this message with others as you feel guided to do so. Please be sure to include the author & source website link.

Posted on Monday, December 1, 2014 at 02:07AM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | Comments Off

Timelines of Transcendence Transport us into the New Time

During this powerful time, new energies are filtering onto the earth plane, seeding times of deeper awakening. Seers and other light beings are receiving visions designed to bring awareness to anything that has held them in limiting scenarios. Transcendence is a primary theme now as we are asked to move beyond old identities into new and often as yet unimagineable realms of being. The new energies allow us to transcend limiting beliefs that exist at the root of limiting careers, relationships, identities and much more. In a sense, these energies are even assisting us in transcending ourselves – or who we believe ourselves to be.

Post-eclipse energies are lifting us higher than ever before, offering glimpses of timelines of transcendence where we’re living beyond our present limitations. This is not a fairy tale, not a too-good-to-be-true bedtime story. There are steps to take on the journey of transcendence. Those who adopt the intention to transcend limiting beliefs will face various tests to insure their readiness for a limitless existence. We are not alone in this journey. The universe is with us every step of the way, providing the resources needed to energize timelines of transcendence. All we have to do is be willing to believe in ourselves, to trust our footing on this new path, and to heal and release the past at a deep and profound level.

Intentions to Transcend activate the Obstacle Field

Any choice to transcend limitations raises the obstacle field. Any time we set an intention we activate everything that stands in the way of reaching our intentions. This activation helps us recognize and clear unhealed emotions, limiting beliefs, habits and connections that anchor us to third-dimensional life tracks. Inside the obstacle field any fears we still hold kick in and tell us we are not up to the task. Some turn back at this juncture. Instead of turning back, we can choose to see obstacles as opportunities to reaffirm and strengthen our belief in ourselves and our spiritual connection. Transforming obstacles into opportunities allows us to fly over situations that previously tethered us to dense, lower-vibrational life tracks.

Self-love and Self-Forgiveness are Essential to Transcendence

Self-love and self-forgiveness are essential in transcending limitations. When the obstacle field activates, younger selves within your repertoire of selves may become fearful. Selves still mired in unresolved emotions may throw on the brakes. During this powerful period you have the ability to heal by working with your repertoire of selves at a very high level. Unconditional love for yourself and others is essential to transcending limitations. Be gentle with yourself as you transition to unconditional love. This transition will bring before you memories of un-love to be loved and released. When you feel gratitude for moments of un-love, you are ready to step into the real love that transcendence brings.

Be Willing to Re-Parent Younger Selves Trapped in Past Traumas

A high level of awareness will help you past any hurdles you encounter. This allows you to observe yourself without judgment. Forgive yourself if you feel sad, depressed, lonely or fearful. If you resist or pull back, forgive yourself. Let whatever happens be as it is without judgment or blame. Your thoughts hold the power to lift you up or knock you down. When traumatized feeling states kick in, send love to yourself. Sit with your younger selves. Sit with any selves that feel abandoned and unloved. Be willing to serve as a loving, understanding parent and guide to these younger selves. A willingness to re-parent your younger selves brings about inner unification, which is essential to activating timelines of transcendence.

Transcending Barriers between Lifetimes

Many lightworkers entered this lifetime with the intention to complete past connections. These completions are instrumental in awakening us to our spiritual purpose of helping with the transition to the New Earth. Past life connections serve to awaken you to expanded dimensions of your being by weakening the barriers between lifetimes.

The shift to the new earth is built upon a vision of oneness with all others and within ourselves. When we see through the veils separating our various lifetimes, we establish a conscious connection with our parallel selves incarnated simultaneously throughout various timeframes. When we establish oneness with parallel aspects of ourselves we deepen and complete our spiritual understanding on many levels. This concept of inner unity ushers in a new kind of self-love that transcends the love we have for our present identity self. As you open to inner unification with all aspects of yourself you adopt a new focus self that is capable of embracing and working with parallel aspects of your consciousness. You may experience initial resistance from your present focus self in this changeover. Be kind and loving but persistent in this transition.

Stepping into the Role of Wayshower

Inside timelines of transcendence you engage with yourself, with others, with the environment and with all living creatures as the limitless, divine being that you are. Timelines of transcendence bring many powerful breakthroughs. Creativity greatly expands and your powers of perception expand. You experience radiant health. Your desire to assist others expands. As you seek to help others transcend whatever binds them to limiting life tracks, you transcend your own limitations. This allows you to step more fully into your role as a wayshower and guide into the new time.

©2010-2014 DL Zeta, Celestial Vision, All Rights Reserved These messages are intended to be shared. You are welcome to share and distribute this message with others as you feel guided to do so. Please be sure to include the author & source website link.

For more on timeline and identity shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta  

For more on fifth-dimensional realities, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta

For more on working with your future self, see Messages from the Future: Adopting Your Future Self as Guide and Mentor by DL Zeta

For more on healing the past, see Traveling Time to Release Energetic Bookmarks by DL Zeta

Posted on Saturday, November 1, 2014 at 04:30PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | Comments Off

Future Vision and the Awakened Timelines of the New Earth

We are standing in the gateway to a powerful time when we’re being asked to step past those things that previously held us back. The energies of October’s eclipse series are already swirling around us, inspiring us to transcend old identities and step more fully into the awakened timelines of the New Earth.

Waking and nighttime dreams are preparing you to embrace more fully your true identity as an infinite and divine being. Working with dream states now helps you develop future vision, a tool that can help you chart your course into fifth-dimensional life tracks. This tool helps you intuitively see where a situation, choice or idea will take you in the future. It helps you look at a situation and see straight through to the intention that created it. Viewing potentials before they manifest allows for course corrections and fine-tuning of intentions and visualizations.

Opening to future vision makes it easier to “plug in” to the expanded energies now abundant on the Earth plane. These energies are helping an ever increasing number of beings experience moments of expanded vision.

Future Vision reveals the Simultaneous Nature of Time

Future vision opens a window into the inner workings of consciousness. Through this window we are able to witness the simultaneous nature of what we think of as time. Future vision takes place when we bring our vibration, intention and focus to a synchronistic intersection that allows us to access visions of our future. The future moments we view correspond with our present-moment focus, our intentions for the future, and the degree in which we are aware of and open to our field of possibilities. One way in which the future creates the present moment is through glimpses of future potentials.

Future Vision brings Elevated States of Heightened Perception

Future vision allows us to see through anything that obscures the true essence of our being. It’s not difficult to recognize moments of future vision. They are accompanied by a heightened sense of perception and elevated feeling states. They may only last a few seconds, but within each second, all of eternity is revealed. In this way, time is experienced differently; one second can equal days, months and even years of linear experience.

Future Vision brings Awareness of Soul Contracts

Through this lens, our purpose is revealed; the future of life on Earth as well as the next step in our spiritual path becomes clear. Future vision also sharpens our ability to recognize friends from other lifetimes and brings awareness to soul contracts we share with others. Older souls who have shared many lifetimes together are here now to meet once again in a ‘reunion lifetime’. Those who have felt this lifetime to contain several ‘mini’ lifetimes are experiencing a reunion lifetime. Early on, past friends from denser lifetimes were encountered so past misunderstandings could be healed. Later in life, friends from more awakened lifetimes are showing up to join their light with yours and fulfill your mutual purpose of anchoring new waves of energy to the planet.

Dreams and Dimensional Bleedthroughs are Primary Sources of Future Vision

Dreams are a primary source of future vision. Images of future life tracks can be downloaded more easily into consciousness during sleep states. These images trickle into your waking mind with divine timing. There are other sources of future vision. Your higher self regularly downloads future insight into your consciousness. Another source of future vision comes through the fluid nature of time which can result in ‘dimensional bleedthroughs’ that allow us to communicate with past and future aspects from other lifetimes as well as aspects from our past and future within this lifetime. Dimensional bleedthroughs are energetic portals that open when there is sufficient resonance between life tracks.

Future vision is possible because each being is multi-faceted, multi-dimensional and multi-connected. When you open to consciously embrace the many-layered nature of your being, you are able to tap into a much wider and deeper range of conscious perception. All moments exist parallel to our present and become accessible to us when we enter fifth-dimensional consciousness.

Future Vision is a Tool for Shaping New Realities

Future vision is a valuable tool for navigating potential timelines because it brings a subtle experience of potentials starting to crystallize in your future. If you remain alert and awake to these subtle shifts, you are able to use this feedback to fine tune the futures you are creating.

Energy flows in all directions so events crystallizing in your near future are always sending out waves of energy that cast a sphere of influence extending in both directions – past and future. Future happenings affect your life and awareness as much as past events do. In some cases, you are more affected by future events because they exist in your subconscious and are not always accessed in the way you are able to "pull-up" past times and understand the influence they are exerting on your present.

Quantum Awakening and the Timelines of the New Earth

It is by opening to moments of future vision that you are able to align with the expanded timelines of the New Earth. Your powers of perception and precognition are important tools for navigating future life tracks where the technologies of the human spirit are more widely known and practiced. When these technologies are awakened, we will easily see through anything that has held us back – bottlenecks of unprocessed emotions, parasitic thought viruses, limiting belief systems and more. The quantum awakening of many incarnated beings will trigger a deeper experience of the timelines of the New Earth where unconditional love and inner peace are primary frequencies.

This and much more is available to us when we choose to stand in the truth of our infinite being. When you bring your focus to the images future vison brings, you are able to perceive events setting up in your present moment and follow their development through time to view the shape of the New Earth. When you better understand the changes currently taking shape you will understand your role and purpose within the transition times ahead.

©2010-2014 DL Zeta, Celestial Vision, All Rights Reserved These messages are intended to be shared. You are welcome to share and distribute this message with others as you feel guided to do so. Please be sure to include the author & source website link.

For more on timeline and identity shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta  

For more on fifth-dimensional realities, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta

For more on working with your future self, see Messages from the Future: Adopting Your Future Self as Guide and Mentor by DL Zeta

For more on healing the past, see Traveling Time to Release Energetic Bookmarks by DL Zeta

Posted on Saturday, September 27, 2014 at 09:16PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | Comments Off

Dreams and Eclipse Portals Transport us to Future Life Tracks

We are approaching a period of accelerated and powerful energies with the upcoming fall/spring equinox, an eclipse series in October, and Mercury retrograde from October 4 to 26. These energies will bring windows of opportunity as well as challenges designed to help us re-calibrate our spiritual connection and restructure our approach to our purpose. The decisions we make during this period will cast a wide sphere of influence well into the coming year.

Revisit your intentions to make the Most of Magnified Energies

So why are we talking now about energies that are a few weeks out? One reason is that many lightworkers are sensitive to energies and begin to experience the powerful shifts an eclipse brings a month or more prior to the actual event. Another reason is in order to make the most of the opportunities this powerful passage will bring we need to revisit our intentions and visions prior to this time of magnified energies.

We can begin now preparing for this period through dreamwork, journaling, meditation, dietary and other changes. By focusing our intentions, we ride the waves of these powerful energies into future life tracks where we experience more of our divine nature.

The September 22 Equinox seeks to balance Mind, Body and Spirit

The upcoming equinox will boost our preparations for October’s transformative energies. In the northern hemisphere, it’s time to balance mind, body and spirit and undertake cleaning and clearing in preparation for winter. Clearing clutter and bringing order to our environment is important to finding balance. This is a good time to begin new dietary regimens and health practices that build our immune system. This balancing and clearing will support our journey into October’s Mercury retrograde and eclipse series.

Visiting Future Life Tracks in Dream States

The next few weeks are a time to examine if some of our intentions are outdated and no longer valid. This is a time to open to new ideas and visions and begin energizing these as the energies amplify and accelerate. In coming weeks, nightly dreams will become an excellent source of new visions as our subconscious mind is drawn to travel to future life tracks in order to examine the field of potentials crystallizing in our future. Practice writing down dreams and you will begin to remember more of your nightly travels.

The period just prior to an eclipse series is a very rich time for dream journeys. You can set your intentions before going to sleep to travel to potential new life tracks. Just before bedtime is also a good time to review the questions you are working with and ask for guidance to come through your dream travels. This is a time of heightened energies when lucid dreams are more likely. To cultivate lucid dreams, practice lucidity in your waking life. Be mindful where you focus your attention prior to falling asleep as this focus helps direct the flow of your dream travels.

Journaling, Automatic Writing and Meditation

To make the most of upcoming energies, its helpful to begin an intensive introspective period in the weeks prior. You may find it helpful to journal if you don’t already. Journaling helps you gain perspective and insight into your "waking dream." Daily journaling also helps you bring awareness to stuck emotions so you can clear them. When you journal, give yourself the freedom to write whatever flows into your mind. Journaling is a good housecleaning tool to assist you in processing emotions and bringing awareness to the landscape of your mental and emotional bodies.

Once you become comfortable with daily journaling, you can begin to incorporate automatic writing. One way to begin automatic writing is to write out questions on one side of your notebook and allow answers to flow onto the opposite page. When you begin writing things you don’t consciously know, you have tapped into the deep well of your subconscious.

Meditation is another excellent tool for getting in touch with the flow of your internal world. Meditation can bring awareness of potentials crystallizing in future life tracks. It also helps with internal housecleaning. Meditation raises your vibration and over time, can help break loose stuck emotions, allowing them to bubble to the surface of your consciousness to be released. If you don’t currently have a meditation practice, begin now. Sit for at least 15 to 30 minutes every day, releasing all thoughts and relaxing and stilling your mind. Allow whatever happens to be perfect for you within the moment.

Our Astrology Chart Depicts the Personal Impact of an Eclipse

We will all feel the effects of the upcoming Mercury retrograde and eclipse energies. The exact way in which you experience them can be understood by examining your astrology chart. The type of impact and its intensity and duration depends on where an eclipse falls in a person's astrology chart. If an eclipse falls within 3” of a planet or an important point in your chart by conjunction or opposition, it is of special significance to you. The nature of the planet impacted by the eclipse offers clues to the experiences that lie ahead. Each house in astrology points toward an area of your life. Knowing which house in which an eclipse falls in your chart will help you get your affairs in order.

Mercury stations retrograde from October 4-26, journeying from 2 degrees Scorpio to 16 degrees Libra. This is a potent Mercury retrograde because it activates the October 23 Solar Eclipse point of 0 degrees Scorpio, intermingling the energies of Mercury retrograde with the solar eclipse. You can examine where 0 degrees Scorpio lands in your chart (and points within orb) to see how the October 23 eclipse will impact you. There will also be a total lunar eclipse October 8 at 15 degrees Aries with the sun opposing at 15 degrees Libra.

On September 26, Jupiter begins a trine to Uranus that lasts several weeks. Jupiter in trine to Uranus opens a portal to good fortune, positive energies, and new and interesting people. This is a great time to bring forth new visions and new creations. Artists, writers, inventors and visionaries of all kinds can ride waves of success during this period. This Jupiter/Uranus trine leads us into a grand fire trine (with Mars, Jupiter and Uranus) conjunct the October 8 Lunar Eclipse. We will talk more about these energies as we draw closer so stay tuned.

Creating a Unified Field of Intention

Once you lay the groundwork and choose your intentions for this upcoming period, you can work with all aspects of your consciousness to bring unity and agreement to these intentions. If some aspects are not on board with these intentions you will not have the unity of vision that brings the laser focus and concentration needed to make the most of these energies. To harmonize and unify all facets of your consciousness, visualize an inner circle of love during meditation. Bring inside this circle all your aspects – younger selves from this lifetime as well as past and future selves that exist in timeframes parallel to your present moment. Inner peace and harmony with all “selves” allows you to create a unified field of intention to help you navigate the upcoming energies.

©2010-2014 DL Zeta, Celestial Vision, All Rights Reserved These messages are intended to be shared. You are welcome to share and distribute this message with others as you feel guided to do so. Please be sure to include the author & source website link.

For more on timeline and identity shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta  

For more on fifth-dimensional realities, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta

For more on working with your future self, see Messages from the Future: Adopting Your Future Self as Guide and Mentor by DL Zeta

For more on healing the past, see Traveling Time to Release Energetic Bookmarks by DL Zeta

Posted on Saturday, September 13, 2014 at 03:53PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | Comments Off
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